Rock pi 4 SE problems with resolution, audio und usb-HD and libreELEC 11

  • Hello,

    I need to update my Rock pi 4 SE to Libreelec 11 and Kodi 20 to watch Netflix (at least I think so).

    I have installed the new version for testing, but I encountered several problems. I can't switch to HD resolution, there is no audio and the usb hard drive is not recognised.

    Under Libreelec 10 I was able to fix the resolution via edid (which I can't do now), and hard disc and audio were no problem.

    Is there a chance to fix all this problems with the new version or are there any instructions?

  • Maybe try re-writing/download the image? I actually just set mine up yesterday. Wifi was a PITA to get connected (kept rejecting my password even though it was right) but once that got together it was fine. Audio through HDMI working ok. Display res 1920x1080. I'm on 11.04. I had tried the 12 nightlies but it was a little too problematic.

  • Thank you for your answer!
    I did it all again including setting the resolution and now the resolution, the sound and the Netflix addon are working(over ethernet). Only the usb hard disk I can't mount yet, I'll try that again and then maybe open a new thread or something.

  • FWIW - aside from the WiFi issue, I'd encountered a weird one where when I was setting up/testing everything on a portable monitor before I moved it into is permanent location, everything was working fine, left it running for hours with no problems, but then when I moved it in place (on an older HDTV circa 08), the audio was intermittently dropping out for a second or two, no matter what I did right the audio settings or what cable I used (it was fine on other TVs with the same cable, so I suspect the age of the TV is a factor, but id had no issues running LE 11 on a pi with this TV previously).

    I'd also tried using a Wi-Fi USB dongle to bypass the on-board issues. That worked, it would connect right away, but after fifteen minutes or so the system would lose the dongle altogether -- wlan1 would just disappear until reboot.

    I had also saw another issue where the 4SE would just shut completely down, no lights. I couldn't pinpoint what was causing that other than I would notice it would be pretty hot (I have the KKSB case with the bottom heatsink). I've seen that a few times since I've had the board, but I also realized it seemed to depend on what charger I was using. But with this LE setup I was using a charger that I knew worked well and it was still happening. That got me looking into the power. I have a USB voltage tester and I tried basically every PD brick/charger I had -- five or six different 65W ones.

    I found that with every one the board was only pulling 5V for power despite the wiki's indication the board can do 5V, 9V, or 12V via PD or dummy. This particular issue is not LE specific -- I found the same with Armbian and the Radxa official Debian image.

    So I fed it 12VDC with a PD trigger as well as dumb 12V to see if it would make a difference. Now the thing with the Wi-Fi dongle still happened even at 12V, but the audio issues went away, it ran rock solid with the 12V and never got overly hot. Running Ethernet to that room has proven tricky but I was able to use a travel router as a bridge connected to the Ethernet port without incident (and on 5V that hadn't been as smooth either in terms of playback. So just throwing that out, I said all that to say 12VDC seems the better way to go, but I have no idea if it's just my board not doing PD or what, so there's that.