[Odroid C2] LibreELEC 11.0.4 not booting from microSD card

  • If it's the general issue that seems to show up when warm rebooting after initial install; it's nothing to do with the AMLGX image for C2 and a cold boot (pull power, reconnect, boot again) should fix things?

  • Hi,

    I have tried LE12 images and still got the same problem trying to boot from SD, directly not booting at all, black screen with "no input".

    I have to use an older LE version due to that, the last version i have been able to load was:


    I have tried with several SD cards, tools (balena, Rufus, Libreelec specific) with the same result.

    I don't have EMMC card to test

  • I've boot tested SD and eMMC installs on a C2 board recently without any issues so /shrug

    If the 11.0.6 image boots, I'd suggest to use that then update to the current beta (no major changes, but hey.. latest)

    If there are still problems I need to see UART boot logs to see where the issue is occurring.

  • Thank you very much for the info Chewitt, what method/tool do you use to write the image in the SDs? I will Focus in yours knowing works for you, really appreciated!

  • I mostly use our USB/SD Creator app; albeit a currently-unreleased macOS version. And most of the time I'm using self-built images that are a little ahead of our master branch. Etcher/Rufus/Win32DiskImager should all work though, there is nothing special about our app or the .img file we build.

    See if the image here works? https://chewitt.libreelec.tv/testing/

  • Thanks again, i have tried with no luck, just then, with same hardware and tool i tried official image with Libreelec creator tool (that downolads 9.0.2) and works. I don't understand the reason.