Problem with video addon Twitch on WetekPlay
Twitch addon worked on LE 7.90.007, but from version 7.90.008 video won`t started with amcodec and h265 enabled in player settings.
on devel-20161203085342-r24795-gdc3bd25 8.0, kernel: Linux ARM 32-bit version 3.10.99 build all the same
kodi dont raise errors, just no video shows
if amcodec disabled, video started normally
Creating InputStream
11:25:40.142 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CurlFile::Open(0x9f75fa28) https://video-edge-749150.fra01.hls.ttvnw.net/transcode-x2-5cb720/seriousgaming_23825136560_557741923/high/index-live.m3u8?token=id=6019536501032849529,bid=23825136560,exp=1480839939,node=video-edge-749150.fra01,nname=video-edge-749150.fra01,proto=https,fmt=high&sig=1d97341cc8abd898dba22194c7b3b615b68bbd52
11:25:40.458 T:2897208224 ERROR: CecLogMessage - error opening serial port 'Amlogic': No such file or directory
11:25:40.458 T:2897208224 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 4)
11:25:40.607 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
11:25:40.639 T:3035307984 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
11:25:41.463 T:2888819616 ERROR: OpenConnection - could not opening a connection to the CEC adapter
11:25:41.463 T:2897208224 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not start CEC communications
11:25:45.459 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: [hls,applehttp] No longer receiving playlist 0
11:25:45.468 T:2675311520 DEBUG: Open - avformat_find_stream_info starting
11:25:45.468 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: [hls,applehttp] Now receiving playlist 0, segment 919
11:25:45.548 T:2675311520 DEBUG: Open - av_find_stream_info finished
11:25:45.549 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Input #0, hls,applehttp, https://video-edge-749150.fra01.hls.ttvnw.net/transcode-x2-5cb720/seriousgaming_23825136560_557741923/high/index-live.m3u8?token=id=6019536501032849529,bid=23825136560,exp=1480839939,node=video-edge-749150.fra01,nname=video-edge-749150.fra01,proto=https,fmt=high&sig=1d97341cc8abd898dba22194c7b3b615b68bbd5':
11:25:45.549 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Duration: N/A, start: 3742.032522, bitrate: N/A
11:25:45.549 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Program 0
11:25:45.549 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Metadata:
11:25:45.549 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: variant_bitrate : 0
11:25:45.551 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Stream #0:0: Audio: aac (LC) ([15][0][0][0] / 0x000F), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp, 170 kb/s
11:25:45.552 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Stream #0:1: Video: h264 (Main) ([27][0][0][0] / 0x001B), yuv420p, 1280x720, 30 tbr, 90k tbn, 2k tbc
11:25:45.552 T:2675311520 INFO: ffmpeg[9F7603A0]: Stream #0:2: Data: timed_id3 (ID3 / 0x20334449)
11:25:45.553 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::AddStream ID: 0
11:25:45.553 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::AddStream ID: 1
11:25:45.553 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::AddStream ID: 2
11:25:49.486 T:2675311520 DEBUG: SeekTime - seek ended up on time 600
11:25:49.489 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Opening stream: 1 source: 256
11:25:49.489 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
11:25:49.489 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: amcodec - Opening
11:25:49.490 T:2675311520 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libamplayer.so)
11:25:49.493 T:2675311520 DEBUG: Loading: libamplayer.so
11:25:49.495 T:2675311520 ERROR: Unable to load libamplayer.so, reason: libamplayer.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
11:25:49.495 T:2675311520 DEBUG: Dll libamplayer.so was not found in path
11:25:49.495 T:2675311520 WARNING: CAMLCodec::CAMLCodec libamplayer.so not found, trying libamcodec.so instead
11:25:49.496 T:2675311520 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libamcodec.so)
11:25:49.498 T:2675311520 DEBUG: Loading: libamcodec.so
11:25:49.505 T:2675311520 INFO: DVDVideoCodecAmlogic: Opened Amlogic Codec
11:25:49.505 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: am-h264 - Opened
11:25:49.505 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - open stream with codec id: 28
11:25:49.505 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Creating video thread
11:25:49.506 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
11:25:49.506 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Finding audio codec for: 86018
11:25:49.506 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: passthrough - Opening
11:25:49.507 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: passthrough - Failed
11:25:49.507 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opening
11:25:49.510 T:2675311520 DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Audio: FFmpeg - Opened
11:25:49.510 T:2675311520 NOTICE: Creating audio thread
11:25:49.512 T:2675311520 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStarted: play state was 1, starting 1
11:25:49.512 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::SetCaching - caching state 2
11:25:49.512 T:2658534304 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayerVideo start, auto delete: false
11:25:49.513 T:2947539872 DEBUG: Thread VideoPlayerAudio start, auto delete: false
11:25:49.513 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CDVDClock::SetSpeedAdjust - adjusted:0.000000
11:25:49.513 T:2658534304 NOTICE: running thread: video_thread
11:25:49.513 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::SetSpeed, speed(1000)
11:25:49.513 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::SetSpeed, speed(0)
11:25:49.516 T:2658534304 INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo - Stillframe left, switching to normal playback
11:25:49.516 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - hurry: 0
11:25:49.517 T:2658534304 DEBUG: codecid_to_vformat, id(28) -> vformat(2)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: codec_tag_to_vdec_type, codec_tag(27) -> vdec_type(0)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: codec_tag_to_vdec_type, codec_tag(28) -> vdec_type(4)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder hints.width(1280), hints.height(720), hints.codec(28), hints.codec_tag(27)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder hints.fpsrate(30), hints.fpsscale(1), video_rate(3200)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder hints.aspect(0.000000), video_ratio.num(1), video_ratio.den(1)
11:25:49.518 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::OpenDecoder hints.orientation(0), hints.forced_aspect(1), hints.extrasize(41)
11:25:49.525 T:2947539872 NOTICE: running thread: CVideoPlayerAudio::Process()
11:25:49.526 T:2947539872 DEBUG: CDVDAudio::Pause - pausing audio stream
11:25:49.527 T:2947539872 NOTICE: Creating audio stream (codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 44100, no pass-through)
11:25:49.529 T:3004949408 INFO: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - initialize sink
11:25:49.529 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - trying to open device ALSA:default
11:25:49.529 T:3004949408 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Attempting to open device "default"
11:25:49.531 T:3004949408 INFO: CAESinkALSA - Unable to open device "default:AES0=0x04,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x00,AES3=0x00" for playback
11:25:49.531 T:3004949408 INFO: CAESinkALSA::Initialize - Opened device "default"
11:25:49.532 T:3004949408 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Your hardware does not support AE_FMT_FLOAT, trying other formats
11:25:49.532 T:3004949408 INFO: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Using data format AE_FMT_S16NE
11:25:49.532 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Request: periodSize 2048, bufferSize 16384
11:25:49.534 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Got: periodSize 2048, bufferSize 16384
11:25:49.534 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::InitializeHW - Setting timeout to 372 ms
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Input Channel Count: 2 Output Channel Count: 2
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Requested Layout: FL,FR
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CAESinkALSA::GetChannelLayout - Got Layout: FL,FR (ALSA: none)
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: CActiveAESink::OpenSink - ALSA Initialized:
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Output Device : Default (AML-DUMMY-CODEC S/PDIF)
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Sample Rate : 44100
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Sample Format : AE_FMT_S16NE
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Channel Count : 2
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Channel Layout: FL,FR
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Frames : 2048
11:25:49.535 T:3004949408 DEBUG: Frame Size : 4
11:25:49.540 T:3013338016 DEBUG: CActiveAE::ClearDiscardedBuffers - buffer pool deleted
11:25:49.553 T:3035307984 DEBUG: PlayFile: OpenFile succeed, play state 2
11:25:49.561 T:2947539872 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerAudio:: synctype set to 0: clock feedback
11:25:49.562 T:3035307984 DEBUG: OnPlayBackStarted: play state was 2, starting 0
11:25:49.562 T:3035307984 DEBUG: Keyboard: scancode: 0x1c, sym: 0x000d, unicode: 0x0000, modifier: 0x0
11:25:49.564 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::SetSpeed, speed(1000)
11:25:49.568 T:2675311520 DEBUG: CVideoPlayer::HandleMessages - player started 1
11:25:49.570 T:2635400096 DEBUG: Thread CAMLCodec start, auto delete: false
11:25:49.570 T:2635400096 DEBUG: CAMLCodec::Process Started
11:25:49.590 T:2855265184 DEBUG: CGUIInfoManager::SetCurrentMovie(https://video-edge-749150.fra01.hls.ttvnw.net/transcode-x2-5cb720/seriousgaming_23825136560_557741923/high/index-live.m3u8?token=id=6019536501032849529,bid=23825136560,exp=1480839939,node=video-edge-749150.fra01,nname=video-edge-749150.fra01,proto=https,fmt=high&sig=1d97341cc8abd898dba22194c7b3b615b68bbd52)
11:25:49.593 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - hurry: 0
11:25:49.636 T:3035292576 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
11:25:49.636 T:3035292576 DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnPlay from xbmc
11:25:49.637 T:3035292576 DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 1, from xbmc, message OnPlay
11:25:49.644 T:2658534304 DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - hurry: 0
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