Raspberry pi 4 + kodi 20.2 (LE 11) low write speed usb 3.0

  • Hello all,

    I have just bought a new raspberry pi4 and install into an microsd kodi 20.2

    I attached one usb 3.0 hdd into new usb 3.0 pi4 and connected to LAN (ethernet). I use official pi4 charger and no messages of under power on screen (so seems at least that its working fine)

    I'm a little confussed about write speed rates. It is aroung 11 Mb/s which is more or less the same that i had on my old pi3 by usb2.0.

    I think that maybe i have to change something because write speeds it's too low.

    Can give some light about it?? Why write speeds are too slow under usb 3.0??

    Thanks in advance.

  • check network speed, 110MB/s is Gigabit Ethernet, 11MB/s mazbe only Fast Ethernet (100Mb/s).

    try to change your Ethernet Cable, maybe it is broken. You can check speed on Pi 4 or on the other side, e.g. router.