Magenta TV Stick with S905Y2 don't boot

  • Hello forum,

    I have a Magenta TV Stick that is comparable in hardware to the Raxda Zero and on which I would like to install Libreelec.

    CPU: S905Y2 / 4x 1.8 GHz / ARM Cortex-A53
    GPU: ARM Mali-G31 MP2

    I put the box image on a USB stick and then set the meson-g12a-radxa-zero.dtb in the uEnv.ini.

    dd if=LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.3-box.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=fsync

    Unfortunately it doesn't boot from the USB stick but goes directly into the Android TV.

    However, I can boot from the USB stick if I put Coreelec on there. Booting works with, among other things, the g12a_s905y2_2g.dtb or the g12a_s905y2_radxa_zero.dtb.

    Does anyone have a tip for me on how to get Libreelec booted? Or does that not work with the device?

    Thank you very much, greetings dile :)

  • Currently the u-boot environment on eMMC is configured to look for CE boot files and doesn't find them (as LE files and CE files are not the same) so it falls back to Android. You need to invoke recovery boot to force u-boot into searching for bootscripts on the SD card that tell it what files LE uses. Once that's done it will boot into LE (and not CE). In the event you wanted to switch back to CE you'll need to repeat the recovery boot process so it re-learns which boot files CE requires.