Kodi Nexus (11.0.3) on RPi4 Does not connect to wifi

  • Hello,

    I am running Libreelec 11.0.3, Kodi Nexus on RPi 4 with 4 GB RAM. I can not connect to WiFi automatically. Whenever I want to connect wifi I have to connect myself manually and even if I choose "auto connect" option, it doesn't connect itself. Nowadays, I am using a device that RPi4 connects it via ethernet cable and the device connects to modem router, alas this trick reduce my internet speed dramatically.

    I need assistance.

    PS: this issue might be related to unexpected shutdown because of an electricity interruption.

    this is my log: http://ix.io/4DBk

    Thanks in advance.

  • Go to Best Answer
  • Make sure you hit the save button at bottom right of settings screen after making each change for your wifi settings, to ensure persistance after a reboot? (option to save after selecting autoconnect on, has caught me out in past)

  • Make sure you hit the save button at bottom right of settings screen after making each change for your wifi settings, to ensure persistance after a reboot? (option to save after selecting autoconnect on, has caught me out in past)

    I have already aware of that option, moreover, this problem persist even it is chosen.

  • Hello;

    I have solved the issue.

    Here is how to:

    Install a fresh libreelec to another SD card (you have to switch on SSH and Samba option) and connect to this freshly installed libreelec over Samba (FTP). go to /storage/.config/ folder copy connman folder to your PC (i.e. to your PC Desktop)

    go back to your essential Kodi install, go to the same place via FTP (storage/.config folder) rename connman folder (i.e. connman1)

    then copy the freshly installed connman folder from your PC to the Kodi you have the connection issue.

    go to connection settings and connect to wifi. Disconnect other connections like on ethernet etc.

    reboot kodi and it should work.