Need help with Libreelec on Minix Neo U1

  • Hi everyone,

    this is my first message, my name is Max and I write from Italy, nice to meet you :)

    I have an old Minix Neo U1 which, until an hour ago, worked perfectly with an old version of Libreelec.

    Obviously (and I still wonder "why did I do it? :) " I thought I'd update it and unfortunately Libreelec doesn't start anymore...

    I downloaded the LibreELEC-AMLGX.arm-11.0.1-box.img.gz image and wrote it to the SD card with the LibreELEC USB-SD Creator tool.

    Then I changed the uEnv.ini file by inserting:


    I inserted the SD into the Minix, held down the key for 6 seconds, the android logo appears and anfer if it shows the error message

    *** Error in mount_flash: mount_common: Could not mount UUID=1803-1159

    In attach a photo of the error.

    Obviously I've been looking for info on the net but I can't find anything useful.

    Could you please give me a hand?

    Thank you!!!