G7BTS bluetooth keyboard airmouse not working

  • Hi

    I have no problem connecting the remote to libreelec

    But when connected non off the buttons or the air mouse works.

    The remote works with my android phone and windows 11 laptop just not with libreelec

    is there something I can try to get it to work with libreelec.

    tried fresh libreelec 10.0.4 install but didn't solve the problem.

    treid both gui bluetooth pairing and using bleutoothctl with putty

    also tried connecting a other Bluetooth device to libreelec only had a Bluetooth speaker but that works like it is suppose to.

    Libreelec generic 10.0.4 running on a intel nuc

    Remote G7bts

    thanks in advance

    Edited once, last by cyber_nl (April 10, 2023 at 7:34 AM).