Am i missing a step?

  • Hello,

    New user here. Ive just installed LibreELEC 11 on my computer (AMD system) and installed some add-ons. All from the ones available in the vanilla install. My problems are with the Video add-ons. Some work fine, like Documentary Heaven, or Pluto TV. Others, like Cooking Channel or New Yankee Workshop, just throw a box that says Error. Nothing else happens. Am i missing a step on how to use these add-ons? Do they only work if you have a subscription to those channels, or do i need to install other add-ons to make them work, etc? Thanks for your time.

  • In the absence of a debug log it's hard to comment, but some add-ons are geolocked and only accessible to users in specific countries; is my guess at the probable cause. If the add-on requires a subscription (and some do) that's normally obvious; the add-on settings panel will have options for adding login credentials.

  • How do i find and send you a debug log? Im in the Southeast US, if that might be hindering me. The add-ons that don't seem to be working have no settings or configuration options. Least, not when i try and look for them. Thanks for your time thus far!

  • Ok, i did some googling and found a page in the LibreELEC wiki that says how to turn on debugging, which i did. But there is no Paste System Logs button. Then i saw the Kodi Logfile Uploader add-on mentioned, installed that and restarted. With debugging on i tried to launch some of the problem causing add-ons. This is the link it gave me at the end. Did i do it right?


  • There's a DNS resolution error with and then a series of Python errors with missing dependencies; all of which are quite obvious if you search for 'error' in the logfile. It's not an issue with LE code, so the errors need to be reported to the respective add-on authors via the add-on support threads in the Kodi forum.