Hidden SSID, LE11, RPi2

  • Dear all,

    is it possible that LE11 is not supporting "Hidden SSID" by Connection-Manager anymore?

    I tried to put my RPi2 with LE11 into operation and failed due to this missing feature.

    Is there any workaround available? Why has this feature be removed?


    Edited once, last by olili (March 12, 2023 at 9:48 AM).

  • ConnMan supports browsing and connecting to visible networks. If the network is hidden you will need to configure a manual connection by providing the SSID and passphrase to connect to. This is nothing new in LE11, the authors of ConnMan regard hidden SSIDs as pointless and even though it's pretty trivial to detect them Connman has intentionally never supported listing them.

  • Code
    agent on
    scan wifi
    connect wifi_<macaddress>_hidden_psk

    From fuzzy memory ^ use connmanctl and the hidden network will be listed with a name something like ^ that, and when you connect it will ask for the SSID and passphrase to use.

  • Connman was useless for me. I finally found that IWD could be used with the following:

    iwctl> station <wlan> connect-hidden <ssid>

    I had recreated the connman setting file from LE10 beforehand, so I don’t know if that made the process easier, but definitely look into IWD (iwctl)

  • thanks.

    With iwctl -> station wlan0 connect-hidden SSID -> passphrase I was able to join the hidden network interactively by console.

    But how can I persist the setting and autoconnect to hidden network after reboot in LE11?

    Any hint? Thx in advance! O.

    Edited once, last by olili (March 18, 2023 at 12:14 PM).

  • sorry, still not working

    I had found there the folder "wifi_000f004c115b_436173612d537472616c6175_managed_psk"

    Within the respective setting file "autoconnect" and "favorite" were already enabled.

    Other values (SSID name, last connect, dhcp .. ) of this file are looking reasonable.

    Any hint? O.

  • I compared the settings between LE10 and LE11 for the hidden network


    In LE10 settings I found one additonal setting "Hidden=true".

    But adding this in LE11 gave no improvement - still no connect to hidden network.

    In LE10 the connman is behaving differently.

    "scan" is showing the service "wifi_000f004c115b_hidden_managed_psk" and "wifi_000f004c115b_436173612d537472616c6175_managed_psk".

    In LE11 "scan" shows no hidden network "wifi_000f004c115b_hidden_managed_psk".

    Can I change this bahaviour of connman for scanning somehow?


  • okay. Made a little progress.

    From ssh I can connect by iwd to a hidden network by the following single command:

    /usr/bin/iwctl --passphrase <PWD> station wlan0 connect-hidden <HIDDEN_SSID>

    Put above command into /storage/.config/autostart.sh to connect after reboot.

    That worked for me.

    Does anybody have a better idea to start the script.

    Maybe as service under systemctl after start of daemon iwd?

    How would this look like?

    Thx in advance

  • ^ Something like that probably works. Create and enable /storage/.config/system.d/hidden-ssid.service

  • thx. But station wlan0 seems not be ready at this point of time:

    hiddenSSID.service - Hidden SSID Connect Service

    Loaded: loaded (/storage/.config/system.d/hiddenSSID.service; enabled; pres

    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2023-02-16 19:11:08 CET; 1 mon

    Process: 490 ExecStart=/usr/bin/iwctl --passphrase xxxx station wlan0

    Main PID: 490 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

    CPU: 63ms

    Feb 16 19:11:07 LibreELEC-2 systemd[1]: Starting hiddenSSID.service...

    Feb 16 19:11:07 LibreELEC-2 iwctl[490]: Device wlan0 not found.

    Feb 16 19:11:07 LibreELEC-2 iwctl[490]: No station on device: 'wlan0'

    Feb 16 19:11:08 LibreELEC-2 systemd[1]: hiddenSSID.service: Main process exited,

    Feb 16 19:11:08 LibreELEC-2 systemd[1]: hiddenSSID.service: Failed with result '

    Feb 16 19:11:08 LibreELEC-2 systemd[1]: Failed to start hiddenSSID.service.

    Any further hint?