LE11 - only one partition of "Ventoy" usb stick is visible

  • Hi!

    My usb stick (Philips 256GB USB 3.0 NTFS) has two partitions. It is bootable thanks to the tool from ventoy.net
    In Libre Elec 10, both partitions are visible ("Ventoy" and "VTOYEFI"). In LibreElec 11, only the partition "VTOYEFI" is visible. Tested on Raspberry Pi 2 and 4. All LE11 versions are affected. Any ideas?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Edited once, last by senfhirn (March 7, 2023 at 11:12 PM).

  • [RFE] Include dm-mod.ko by default. · Issue #5905 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv
    Describe This is actually a feature request. With Ventoy we can just copy the LibreELEC.img to the USB drive and directly boot it. It's very convenient for…

    Ventoy depends on something we don't include and have deliberately avoided adding for the last decade. From our side; they broke support that we don't use or need or rely upon, and it's their responsibility to un-break it.