playing « AOMedia's AV1 Video (av01) » on rpi 400 ?

  • Ohaï !

    First of all thank you for the tremondous work on LE, this is amazing I really got to say a huge thanks because it's my main player & I love it <3

    Still, I have a question ahah, I hope it's gonna be ok(;≧皿≦)

    As in title, I tried to play a .mkv file with this Codec as seen in VLC, see attachment for details


    I did upgrade from LE 10.0.2 to 10.0.4 (KODI 19.5), it went better with stuttering after upgrade but now audio is out of sync, any chance having this codec work or do I need to filter it before downloads ?

    I tried to follow this thread but I couldn't understand it that much :

    I have the ability to connect through SSH if needed. Thanks again !
    o (◡‿◡✿)

  • AV1 is a very new codec, and there is no hardware decode support for it on Pi400 (or any Pi models).

    What you see is software decode, which won't handle full hd (1920x1080).

    You may find lower resolution samples work okay (perhaps 1280x720@24), but that is probably the limit.