How to check hardware integrity

  • Hi,

    recently, my Libreelec player (RPi 4 with Hifiberry addon card for SPDIF output) is having problems: After around 45-60 min of playback, the player consistently stops and exits to the menu. I have performed all software-related tests I can think of (update to newest libreelec version, fresh installation, OSMC installation), but the problem persists.

    I am now suspecting it might be a heat issue, since the problem always occours after a similar time of playback (and recovers after about 5min). The reason might be the Hifiberry board impeding the airflow. Since the system has been working without problems for 2 years previously, I even think there might be permanent damage now that has built up over time.

    Can I test this hypothesis somehow? Check the temperature? Check hardware integrity?

  • Thanks for the tip! The output is below. The playback crashed around 16:54. Doesn't look too good, does it?

  • The temperatures look OK, basically stable at 60°C - which is fine.

    If playback crashed you should have something in journal or kodi log - reproduce the issue again, then run "pastekodi" and post the URL with the log here.

    so long,


  • Before I read your replies, I ran ather test with the addon board and the top of the case removed. Results are below.

    What surprises me is that "H264" was constantly at 0Mhz before (so I guess it's not been used), now it is used. And network traffic is much lower now (it is the same file being played). The player crashed again, but after a longer time.

    I'm using Kodi with the current libreelec distribution (10.0.3). It was the same with version 9.

    I'm going to run the test again now and give you the result of pastekodi ASAP.

    Edit: Here's the link:

    Edited 2 times, last by Shivan: Merged a post created by Shivan into this post. (January 7, 2023 at 4:02 PM).

  • The log shows a read error from your NAS:

    2023-01-07 16:57:40.694 T:1048    ERROR <general>: Read - Error( -1, 110, Connection timed out )
    2023-01-07 16:57:40.694 T:1048    ERROR <general>: Process - <smb://> source read failed with -1!

    Network on the RPi4 side looks fine (nothing suspicious in logs) so it might be worth to check your network/switch/NAS and make sure you don't have any network/cabling issues and your NAS didn't go to sleep or something like that.

    so long,


  • Edit: Since the "pastekodi" command seems to have removed the interesting part, here is the tail of the last crash log:

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    Thanks for your support Hias!

    The log shows a read error from your NAS:

    2023-01-07 16:57:40.694 T:1048    ERROR <general>: Read - Error( -1, 110, Connection timed out )
    2023-01-07 16:57:40.694 T:1048    ERROR <general>: Process - <smb://> source read failed with -1!

    Network on the RPi4 side looks fine (nothing suspicious in logs) so it might be worth to check your network/switch/NAS and make sure you don't have any network/cabling issues and your NAS didn't go to sleep or something like that.

    so long,


    Yes, I suspected something like this in the beginning. But other devices have no problems playing back the same file (a RPi 3 and a Vero 4k). And regarding other hardware: I replaced cables, switches, disconnected all other devices... And in the end, the only device ever showing problems is the RPi 4. So I hesitate to reinstall the OS on the NAS...

    Edited once, last by Shivan: Merged a post created by Shivan into this post. (January 7, 2023 at 4:21 PM).