unable to run LE 10 upwards in unRAID VM

  • Hi,

    I have a strange issue thats's driving me nuts.

    Been using LE 9.2.6 with Kodi 18 for years now and was looking forward to do the jump to LE 10.0.3 with Kodi 19 over the christmas days.

    I'm running LibreELEC in a virutal machine on my unraid server with the following hardware passing through my GT1030:

    - ASRock H570M-ITX

    - Core i5-11400

    - Geforce GT1030

    I built up the VM from scratch to have a fresh Kodi Matrix install.

    What I get is the following message that my GPU is not supported:

    That's strange because I get this message after installing LibreELEC using VNC. When I assign my GPU the screen just stays black.

    I don't have this problem with LibreELEC 9.2.6

    And it doesn't matter if I'm using unraid 6.9, 6.10 or 6.11.

    BUT... when using unraid 6.10 or 6.11 also LibreELEC 9.2.6 is NOT working anymore.

    So I'm trying to understand what's causing this issue?

    I'm not getting support here on the unraid forums until now so maybe someone can point me in the right direction here :)

  • I can see an error not detecting the GPU in the screenshot - assuming this is when the GPU is not setup to pass through? Or are you using a vGPU?

    You will need to look at the logs - dmesg / kodi.log / lshw / lspci to see what is happening.

    Enable ssh would be the first step.

  • yeah, the screenshot is coming up when I'm trying to use VNC.

    When passing through my GPU the screen just stays blank

    I'm using the same config to start the LE10 VM (also tried latest LE11 nightly) as I'm using for my working LE9.

    Wenn passing through the GPU I can use smb to connect to the server (SSH is not enabled as I'm not able to see the welcome monitor)

    I attached the logfiles that are present in the Logfiles folder

  • - Are you using the LE11 Generic-Legacy image (for nvidia you need to)

    - I can’t see the GPU in the logs

    To enable ssh - add “ssh” to the APPEND line (as below)

    # more /flash/syslinux.cfg

    DEFAULT linux

    PROMPT 0

    LABEL linux


    APPEND boot=UUID=779D-1827 disk=LABEL=Storage ssh

  • I used the Generic image from the nightlies as the stable versions only have the Generic one aswell

    That's what I always used with my working LE9 VM.

    What's the difference bewetten Generic and Generic-Legacy?

    I think I'm lost with the ssh part, sorry.

    How do I get to the /flash/syslinux.cfg?

  • What's the difference bewetten Generic and Generic-Legacy?

    starting with LE11 we defaulting to gbm that allows HDR and stuff, sadly NVIDIA does not supports it yet so the LE11 Generic-legacy image still provides a X11 enviroment like we used it before LE7-LE10

  • oh thanks I missed that.

    So it makes sense to switch to an AMD GPU? Or I can try using my Gen11 Intel iGPU as it should be supported by LE11 nightlies, correct?

    Edited 2 times, last by Marv (January 1, 2023 at 11:37 AM).

  • Hi Marv - I don’t know how unraid VMS work. When LE installs it installs onto the disk as 2 file systems. The first being /flash and the second being /storage. You need to edit a file on the first file system - I assume you can mount the disk on a different virtual machine to edit it, or boot a Linux recovery cd so as to edit the configuration file.

  • oh thanks I missed that.

    So it makes sense to switch to an AMD GPU? Or I can try using my Gen11 Intel iGPU as it should be supported by LE11 nightlies, correct?

    Tigerlake GPU is supported. So are the amd GPUs. With generic le11

  • ok so I didn't try the ssh part yet, but it seems to be hardware compatibility related.

    I tried passing through my intel iGPU and LE11 booted up with video.

    However, I don't get HDMI audio to work yet but it seems it should be possible with latest unraid release.

    When I find time the next week I will try to upgrade and report back.

  • Success!

    I got this working with IGD passthrough and latest unraid build.

    Both HDMI Video and Audio are working including HDR10. Thanks a lot for the right hints!

    I made a writeup on the unRAID forums to help others to get this working:

    see here

    Good luck!