RPi3B+ Crashes when scrolling through video-wall

  • Hi!

    I have multiple installs of LE10.0.3 on some RPi4s and one RPi3B+. Everything seems to work flawlessly on the RPi4s. On my Rpi3B+ LE restarts quite often, if I scroll through the Video-Library. It's in InfoWall-Mode, my videos are on 2 NASes, DB is on an external MariaDB. It seems, the system crashes if it has to load to many thumbnails at once, which are not already in the cache. Thumbnails resist on my NASes, too.

    Debug-Crashlog is attached.

    thx in advance,


  • Unfortunately this is well known, kodi's picture handling is eating tons of graphics memory for breakfast...

    You can mitigate it a bit by adding dtoverlay=cma,cma-384 or dtoverlay=cma,cma-512 to the end of config.txt

    so long,
