DVD playback issue

  • Recently I updated my system to LibreELEC-RPi4.arm-11.0-nightly-20220903-97c088f

    and later on I also verified this issue with a complete new vanilla installation w/o any custom Add-Ons installed nor any custom settings.

    When I try to play back a css-DVD on that machine, the DVD starts rotating, then the rpi works for a while on it (blue moving circle shown on display) and then falls back to the main menu.

    I tried it with three different DVDs and I can verify that in July, DVD playback worked great with the very same components and libreelec.

    I also updated the kodi log here.

  • If you have ssh access, you can increase libdvdcss debug this way:

    systemctl edit kodi.service

    then in the editor add:


    then run systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl restart kodi.service.

    Retry your DVD and check in /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log the log fro libdvdcss errors.

    I have the same issue except I have no July image to test against. I doubt this is a kodi/libdvdcss error per even if I hack libreelec build to build against upstream videolan libdvdcss also fails. (mind that I tried on ubuntu image with kodi - 18 as the ubuntu image is old, ie focal - and libdvd-pkg libdvdcss on the same odroid c2 arm64 box, same DVD, same drive and it works).

    Do you have a libreelec commit that works (ie from July) so I could build it?

    Also on amd64 kodi 20 and 19 both decrypt correctly this DVD with libdvdcss on the same drive (external usb one).

    The debug log I get with the above DVDCSS_VERBOSE=2:


    ie none of the key get decrypted

  • Thank you for your reply and sorry for my late response, abws.

    The below listed weblink to the image from June can play DVDs, I tested it today.


    The current nightlies from October however show this error with the same DVD on the same setup in verbose-mode:

  • daniel235 so it worked fine with 2022 June 08 build of b78941a?

    If that build worked fine, then the question would be if pull #6673 caused the problem. That was merged 2022 July 08. So try something just after that. Something like


    Then to confirm that pull is the issue, try the build just before


    If it is that pull, then it will need to be dissected some as there are a number of changes included in it, library and Kodi changes.

  • Hello smf007

    thank you for your recommendation. I tried out several nightlies to figure out when it happened:






    The above listed nightlies all could play DVDs on my rpi4





    These nightlies do not play (dvdcss-) DVDs anymore.

    There are no further nightlies available between 7-20 and 7-23.

    There are several commits listed for the time between these three days, including rpi upates.

  • Thanks.

    The builds versus hash in order of commit history are:

    Build dateHash
    20220720 (works)3a4dc81
    20220723 (broken)0da8a26
    20220723 (broken)0008ab5

    In order of commit, the Pulls covering that range are:

    3a4dc81 Pull #6717

    1182c1a Pull #6721

    13bb8f3 Pull #6724

    06fd018 Pull #6715

    2cc0585 Pull #6726

    771b9b9 Pull #6470

    f529cc9 Pull #6727

    0da8a26 Pull #6729

    0008ab5 Pull #6730

    None of them are obvious as to breakage. If you were able to build Libreelec yourself, I would probably start by looking at #6727 as that appears to have triggered issues for others as well.