LibreElec Freezes after playing video for 1 minute

  • Hello,

    I have Libreelec installed on a Dell Inspiron Zino HD. Yes I know this is ancient hardware but I have installed an SSD for the OS, 1TB for Movies extra ram and upgraded the CPU to AMD Athlon II X3 420E and it can play x265 1080p just fine (in a small factor ) which is enough for the bedroom

    This is my 2nd box and I have a much better i5 box in the living room.

    My box has started "freezing" after playing 1 minute of video and it does not matter if its local video or streaming. When it freezes you can not control the box anymore from your mobile but it is accessible via the WebGui and SSH so its only kodi that is frozen and not the underlying linux.

    If I connect to the box with SSH and issue the command systemctl restart kodi kodi obviously restarts but the issue is not longer present videos play normally without problems.

    I believe that I may have installed or updated a plugin and caused that behavior. I would like to avoid formatting the box because then I would not know what went wrong and would have learned nothing as regards to troubleshooting.

    How is it possible for the issue to exist ONLY when 1st booting the PC and when restarting the KODI service ( not the PC ) for the issue to disappear ?

    I have disabled all video hardware acceleration and this is not the issue. Also changed skins issue still exists., Tried to see if there are any updates system has not updates, deleted all unused plugins tried lots of thing and no luck.

    Any ideas on what I can check ? Would the reason for "Freezing" be in the logs ? what more information would you need to draw conclusions ?

  • cause I'm not the world favorite logfile reader, someone other need to step in.

    anyone ?

    what I see is:

    a lot of addon related warning/errors, esp. the message at this time stamp would make me nervous.

    2022-08-25 21:28:42.642 T:1595

    is this addon needed ?

    are all addon up to date ?

    in general:

    it seems to be best to wait until the freeze occurs (maybe remembering the time when it occurs wouldn't be a mistake) and to upload the log again

  • I rebooted the PC - turn on logging - open a movie - PC froze - then logged in to SSH and restart via systemctl restart Kodi Kodi froze 1 minute after starting movie "20 million miles to earth" so you can orient yourself that way

    What else is needed apart from the log file ?

    Edited once, last by Biomecanoid: Merged a post created by Biomecanoid into this post. (August 25, 2022 at 9:33 PM).

  • logged in to SSH

    that was at "Aug 25 21:24:12.232156" (in the journal)

    but the kodi log files starts at "2022-08-25 21:28:41.824 T:1595"

    me is confused (or I'm stupid)

    if you have logged in after the the issue occured then one can't see what kodi was doing/has seen about the issue.

  • that was at "Aug 25 21:24:12.232156" (in the journal)

    but the kodi log files starts at "2022-08-25 21:28:41.824 T:1595"

    me is confused (or I'm stupid)

    if you have logged in after the the issue occured then one can't see what kodi was doing/has seen about the issue.

    Ι logged in to issue the command "systemctl restart kodi" because 2-3 minutes before i logged in kodi was frozen. After restarting kodi logging resumed

  • Arrrggghhh, didn't realized it ... (daily coffeine level wasn't reached here ;))

    i would suggest the following:

    - disable all addon's what were additional installed (weather [if weather is a default addon: disable it too], etc)

    - clean "~/.kodi/temp/ maybe with "rm -vf /storage/.kodi/temp/*.log"

    - reboot

    - reproduce the issue

    - don't restart kodi before you've uploaded the log

    - upload the logs after the issue occured

  • ΅Which addons are the most likely to cause the issue and should try to disable ?

    Kodi log while playback was frozen and had already disabled all video plugins subtitles and some programs

    Edited once, last by Biomecanoid: Merged a post created by Biomecanoid into this post. (August 25, 2022 at 10:43 PM).

  • as said "I'm not the world favorite log file reader", but some addon seem to me causing trouble, so my answer would be "all addon", you installed after you installed LE.


    are you sure the movie was always working properly or do you experiences with all movies freezes ?

    care to test against your freeze with a movie from here:

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  • All movies freeze after about 1 minute may those be streaming or stored locally - After restarting kodi service everything is fine

  • Regarding videos i need something about 2 minutes or more as far as I see all the test videos are a few seconds long

    okay, then a kodi.log during the freeze is needed, so that a developer could have a look

    => the steps from comment #8

    I did that already - comment 9

    Edited once, last by Biomecanoid: Merged a post created by Biomecanoid into this post. (August 25, 2022 at 11:26 PM).