Intel nuc DC3217IYE and Libreelec restarting

  • Hi. I have tried to update Libreelec on my intel nuc. All versions above 9.2.6 makes the pc restart every 5-6 minute when playing video. I am now back on 9.2.6. Can anyone help?DC3217IYEDC3217I

  • to me your journal looks sane.

    It would be best to switch debug ON and provide a kodicrash.log after the crash occurred.

    you need a reboot after switching debug on !

    Log files

    more to read:

    I would be also good to know if

    - all addon's are up to date ?

    - the crash always happens with the same video ?

    - you're running a local video or does it come from remote box (via LAN ? ) ?


    in one off the elder LE releases is was recommended NOT to only update the box.

    A new install was prefered...

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (August 20, 2022 at 5:59 PM).