LibreElec slow booting or not booting at all

  • I am using LibreElec to use Kodi as my home media centre

    OS Version: LibreElec 10.0.2

    Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 8 GB

    Display Screen: LG 4K Monitor Screen

    Problem Statement:

    LibreElec is either slow booting( take long time e.g 4 mins) or not booting at all (waited upto 20 mins and still din't boot).

    Please see the logs of the following commands

    $ journalctl -b 0 | pastebinit
    $ systemd-analyze blame | pastebinit

    Edited once, last by prakashpandey: Fixed version. Added display screen info (July 16, 2022 at 6:36 PM).

  • After writing the above post I tried my luck again:

    It didn't booted for 8 tries and then booted again:

    Sharing logs of the following commands again. Please have a look

    tv:~ # journalctl -b 0 | pastebinit
    tv:~ # systemd-analyze blame | pastebinit
    tv:~ # 
  • It took 6 tries to boot LibreElec successfully 3rd time. Pasting here few more logs. I thing these log trails may be helpful in debugging the problem.

    Thank you!

    tv:~ # journalctl -b 0 | pastebinit
    tv:~ # systemd-analyze blame | pastebinit
  • In logs you can see two different dates: Feb 02 and Jul 16.

    I am not sure why Feb 02 is there as I formatted my SD Card and installed a fresh new image of `LibreElec 10.0.2` today.

  • Feb 02 date is normal, RPi doesn't have a real time clock so it will start up with that default date (date of systemd release, so other LE versions may have a different default date).

    Your log still contains a lot of undervoltage errors - as I wrote in my previous post, use a proper power supply (I hightly recommend the official RPi power supply - others are a hit and miss).

    Feb 02 15:29:48 LibreELEC kernel: Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)

    so long,


  • @Hias Thank you for your Comment. I will surely try a different power supply.

    Right now I am using Desk Pi Pro 2.0 case and using their power adapter QC 3.0 Power Supply which says it provides enough power for the RPi 4  Output: DC3.6-6.5V == 3A/6.5-9V == 2A/9V-12V ==1.5A 18W and as per the logs and your suggestion it is not providing enough power.

    Can I use OnePlus SUPERVOOC 80W Power Adapter for RPi 4? Specification :  DC 5V - 2A or DC 11V - 7.3A max