10.0.x on rPi4 - Crash when starting video

  • Hi,

    After upgrading from 9.x to 10.02, I can no longer play any video as Kodi crashes when I start to play.
    Hardware is Raspberry pi 4 with Hifibery digi+ board.

    Tried different things without any improvement:

    - moved video file from the NFS server to local storage and still the same result.
    - downgraded to 10.0.1

    - changed audio output from Hifiberry to HDMI

    - disabled PRIME acceleration

    - removed all add-ons (the only ones left are the ones provided by Kodi that I can't uninstall).

    Crash Info: http://ix.io/3Xif

    Another issue I have with Kodi is that whenever I set the content of a source, this is not recorded and it does back to None.

    NFS & DB server has been running with the exact same configuration for years (way before LE even started), but happy to deep dive there if anyone has a hint on what the cause could be.

    Edit: I installed 10.0.2 on a fresh SD and playback from NFS works fine (with hifiberry card enabled).

    Many Thanks,

    Edited once, last by kaneda (May 8, 2022 at 4:21 PM).

  • You could try:

    systemctl stop kodi
    mv /storage/.kodi /storage/.kodi_back
    systemctl start kodi

    and check if the system with the problem can now play videos (I suspect it will be able to).

    If it is that suggests the problem is either settings (config files in .kodi/userdata) or addons (while I suspect you have removed addons from gui, there may be some remnants left - check in .kodi/addons).

    If it's not it's something outside. It could be custom stuff you've installed (perhaps in /storage/.config).

    You can laboriously go through the file system renaming files or directories to narrow down what is causing the crash, but it may be quicker just to switch to the clean LE install that works, and set that up as you like (check playback works after each addon installed or setting changed just in cases a change breaks it).