LE 10 crashes when reading external mariadb database

  • Hello

    I hope you're able to help me, cause I'm a bit lost right now.

    I've head a working libreelec 8 installation with external mariadb 5.5 database and smb shares for the files. After realizing, that we're not anymore in 2018 I decided to update everything (libreelec and mariadb), which turned out to be a bad idea.

    Currently a fresh 10.0.2 librelec image is running on my raspberry pi 3, which works as expected, is able to access and play files from the external SMB share.

    This is true as long, as the system does not access the external database, either because the mariadb service is stopped, or advancedsettings.xml is not set up.

    I've thrown away the old database (drop database MyVideosxxx;) and did a fresh scan on my movie folder, which took some time. After finishing the scan, libreelec did crash again.

    Crash means: TV screen goes black, IP adress can't be pinged anymore, only power LEDs indicate the Pi3 is still alive.

    The scanned movies folder contains 444 subfolders that contain one or maybe two media files. I don't think that is a relevant size.

    So I'd rule out any old plugins, conversions issues, etc., as everything has been setup from scratch using current versions. I'd also exclude network issues here.

    Unfortunately I can't post a kodi.log.

    I've set up that the old logs are kept. On a crash the old kodi.log is renamed to kodi.old.log and a new kodi.log is created on /storage/.kodi/temp with a size of 0 bytes and current timestamp. This knowledge was gained using an older Pi1 with a card reader

    So hopefully anyone has a good idea? Maybe some additional logging/debugging options? /shrug

    Being able to watch movies, without database is at least something, but I'm missing a lot of comfort there.

    Many many thanks in advance and if any log files are helpful I'll gladly provide those.

    Best regards


  • Hi

    Thanks for reading through my wall of text. After rereading it, I've seen I did not point out, that I also updated mariadb to a current version.

    But important point: I did find the issue.

    After testing on a second RPi3 where the only difference is the TV which is also it's power source, the solution was to switch to external USB Power adapter. Apparently the new kernel, or whatever requires more power and LE crashes due to insufficuent power.

    Guessing wildly, CPU load may be higher than on the older setup while loading data.

    Thanks for listening to me :D

    Best regards
