Amazon VOD add on - pages continously loading if I go into movie catagory (eg horror)

  • Add on works great - I mostly use just the "Continue Watching" and "My Watchlist" to access the content. If I try to go into Movies, Catagories eg Horror, Family Movies etc. it starts loading (spinning wheel on bottom of screen, with Loading Page 1, Page 2 etc every few seconds). I have let it load for 30 seconds / 1 minute and the page number keeps loading but nothing ever shows up (I never get in to the list of movies in that catagory). So I just use continue watching, my watchlist or search. Any ideas?


  • I left it another bit of time and I eventually got the listing (36 pages) - but its very slow - is this down to me running on pi2? slow connection? or just the way this works? I had hoped there might be a setting in the add on for only caching / displaying 1 or 2 pages at a time but I couldnt see anything there.