USB Remote Mele F10 Deluxe does not work any more

  • Hi,

    I used my Mele F10 Deluxe for years. Currently on a Rasperry 3B running LibreElec 9.2

    It does not work any more, no idea why. from dmesg:

    Now, is there any way to find out what exactly went wrong? Why isn't there a syslog?

    I did experiment a bit, but I do not remember changing anything on the above system, see below:

    I temporarly needed a second player and set up LibreElec 9.2 on a Raspberry 1B. Now I also needed a remote, because this TV does NOT support CEC.
    I bought a used Mele F10 Pro only to realize this got a completely different key layout and is missing the BACK button.

    I experimented with .kodi/userdata/keymaps but this did not help.

    I switched remotes but the F10 Deluxe did not work at all on the Raspberry 1B.

    I switched back and now it doesn't work on the Raspberry 3 any more, too.

    Any idea?

    ps. is there a way to monitor keypresses?
