Wifi Frequency Selection - Defaults to 2.4Ghz

  • I'm having issues with my LibreElec boxes connecting on 2.4Ghz rather than 5Ghz AC. The 2.4Ghz connection only nets me a very unstable <5Mbit and even SD media is unplayable over the network.

    In one location I'm able to manually set the frequency per-device on the wifi router and I get vastly superior speeds as a result, but I have other boxes deployed in locations where the routers don't have such options.

    It's my understanding that the device should choose the superior network, but my testing shows the 5Ghz band being orders of magnitude higher in bandwidth with the device still preferring 2.4Ghz regardless.

    Is there an addon or built-in tool to be able to specify connection to 5Ghz in LibreElec?

  • The easy solution is to use different SSID for 2.4GHz and 5GHz, and then connect to the 5GHz one.

    On RPiOS I forced 5GHz by specifying the mac address of the 5GHz interface of router (with bssid=<mac addr>) in wpa_supplicant.conf

    But my LE Pi is wired so I've not investigated how that handles wifi config.