Trying to sync some Pis with MySQL: Scan ok, SQL-DB ok, but no Items in UI shown

  • Hi there,

    as the SD of my main Pi4 broke down, I needed to setup a new one, so I wanted to try to sync it with the other ones via MySQL.

    Here is my advancedsettings.xml

    kodistube:~/.kodi/userdata # cat advancedsettings.xml

    <advancedsettings version="1.0">




















    When I added the Folders on the same NAS, the Toast up right showed the correct resolution of the media filenames to their corrosponding imdb entry - this worked fine.

    Also the mySQL DBs are available and filled as I think it looks right.

    But the UI does not show one Movie. Browsing via the entry/Media-Source on the NAS and playing the movies works flawless. The Add-Ons work, the PVR/enigma works.

    How can I proceed to search for failures?

    Its a Pi4 with 10.0.1 and besides this, only the SouthPark Addon and Enigma Addon is installed.

    In the Log I can see:


    2022-02-22 18:14:45.200 T:763 INFO <general>: skin loaded...

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.200 T:763 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: Startup.xml, load type: LOAD_EVERY_TIME

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.200 T:763 INFO <general>: Loading skin file: Home.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.248 T:763 ERROR <general>: SQL: [MyMusic82] The table does not exist

    Query: select count(idSong) as NumSongs from songview

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.248 T:763 ERROR <general>: GetSongsCount() failed

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.401 T:763 WARNING <general>: JSONRPC: Could not parse type "Setting.Details.SettingList"

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.401 T:763 INFO <general>: JSONRPC: Adding type "Setting.Details.SettingList" to list of incomplete definitions (waiting for "Setting.Details.Setting")

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.401 T:784 ERROR <general>: SQL: [MyVideos119] The table does not exist

    Query: SELECT movie_view.idSet,COUNT(1) AS c FROM movie_view JOIN sets ON sets.idSet = movie_view.idSet GROUP BY movie_view.idSet HAVING c>1

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.401 T:763 INFO <general>: JSONRPC: Resolving incomplete types/methods referencing Setting.Details.Setting

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.401 T:784 ERROR <general>: HasSets failed

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.409 T:787 ERROR <general>: SQL: [MyVideos119] The table does not exist

    Query: select * from movie_view WHERE ((movie_view.dateAdded > '2012-01-01')) AND ((movie_view.playCount IS NULL OR movie_view.playCount < 1))

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.410 T:787 ERROR <general>: GetMoviesByWhere failed

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.410 T:787 ERROR <general>: GetDirectory - Error getting special://skin/playlists/recent_unwatched_movies.xsp

    2022-02-22 18:14:45.410 T:786 ERROR <general>: SQL: [MyVideos119] The table does not exist

    Query: select * from movie_view WHERE (movie_view.idFile IN (SELECT DISTINCT idFile FROM bookmark WHERE type = 1))

    But there is no table movie_view or songview - but a lot of other tables.

    Edited once, last by allesschonweg (February 22, 2022 at 5:32 PM).