Kodi adding songs to local play list (Dazed and Confused)

  • Kodi running on Raspberry Pi 4 All is working OK but the interface is totally Not intuitive to me.

    I access the kodi with my browser and I have two list of songs, the Kodi list and the / Local list.

    The only way I can add any music to the LOCAL list is to click on a small + icon that is invisible until the mouse hovers over it. clicking the + will add a single track to the LOCAL list.

    At the top and center of the browser window are 4 buttons: Play> | Queue + | Stream | More :

    Play wipes out and replaces my LOCAL play list. Why? I don't want to wipe out what I spend 20 minutes building.

    When I'm listening to music in the LOCAL list and want to add more music to the LOCAL list (not replace what is already there) but append more songs, I find the only way to add any additional tracks to the LOCAL list is to use the invisible + icon that appears next to the song's Time Indicator. If I click on the PLAY icon then my current existing list is wiped out and replaced with the new album. If I click on the Queue Icon the album is added to the KODI list which is not what I am listening to.

    I'm perplexed: How to I add more than one single track at a time to the LOCAL list of music?

    How do I append/add an entire album to the LOCAL list?

    Furthermore, how does one select multiple tracks so they can all be added to the LOCAL list?

    I'd very much appreciate some guidance. I've not been able to find any documentation explaining how the interface works; that is other than programmers notes that don't help NON Programmers.
