kodi crash: segfault in iris_dri.so

  • journal:

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    crash log:

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    running nightly-20220129-e41ad9f (Generic.x86_64)

    - I'm no expert in video resolution, codecs and all that stuff -

    it seems "Deinterlace method" "Deinterlace" in combination with video/TV material with 1920x1088i causes crashes (?!)

    see journal => line number 1209

    what I've done:

    watching german Sat-TV and switched from another channel (HD TV, completely fine) to the TV channel "ServusTV".

    just after the channel appeared the screen was completely green and after some seconds the screen crashed.

    again tunning to the above channel: the same and afterwards LE crashed and the box rebooted.


    the playing channel/movie was: 1920x1088i (!) 50 (?) FPS

    HD-TV is usually (?): 1280x720p 50 FPS

    checking the player settings (name ?): when the TV channel is running: Enter-Key => most right icon => "Video Setting" => "Deinterlace method" [1]

    turned out it was set to "Deinterlace" what caused a green screen and the subseq. crash.

    btw.: setting it to "Bob" causes a dark red screen (without crash ?)

    all other deinterlace settings are working fine on ServusTV !

    all deinterlace settings for movies with 1280x720p have no influence esp. no green/red screens or crashes !

    I usually set "Deinterlace method" to "VAAPI- Motion compensend" to have a smoother picture esp. for channels: EuroNews, ntv* and Vox (all: SD material)

    So I've no idea what set it (back) to "Deinterlace" (maybe it was me - I'm unsure -)

    I mostly haven' had any trouble with nightly and my box (see signature, [2]) over month, apart from:

    - the above (was the second occurrence: I already saw this some days/a week ago and it also was a movie with same resolution) and

    - 2-3 days ago a audio sync error with a crash (updated to a new nightly and it was gone)


    it would be nice (if not already present ?) to have a sorta "set to defaults" for all the setting in that config windows (Enter-Key => most right icon) Q.:

    in the LE Configuration Tool => "System": is "Reset to Defaults" what I'm asking for ?

    Does it reset "Deinterlace method" too ???


    boot-/kernel parameter is "i915.enable_guc=2"

    Edited 7 times, last by GDPR-7 (February 3, 2022 at 3:04 PM).