please keep a least one elder nightly around for download when a newer nightly is build.
I'm running nightly "in production" on a daily base with daily updates.
it has some risks [1] - I know -
but doing so, has - for my view - the advantage to get the bugs they're (maybe) still in getting reported and fixed.
but there should be a easy backup/fallback solution if the last nightly doesn't play well.
I know I could
- run a additional LE e.g. LE Release on a usb stick
- download nightly twice and keep the elder one
- ...
Regression: cannot open shared object file
with today nightly (nightly-20211225-9841784 (Generic.x86_64)) TvHeadend (v10.80.2.102) stopped working
in it's service.log:
/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend43/bin/tvheadend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
backup restore doesn't work/fixed it here
anywhere to get the yesterday nightly ?
in it's service.log:
/storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend43/bin/tvheadend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
backup restore doesn't work/fixed it here

anywhere to get the yesterday nightly ?
until today I was the opinion that a LE backup saves me against all risks.
I've learned: no, not all !