RFC: keep an elder nightly around

  • please keep a least one elder nightly around for download when a newer nightly is build.

    I'm running nightly "in production" on a daily base with daily updates.

    it has some risks [1] - I know -

    but doing so, has - for my view - the advantage to get the bugs they're (maybe) still in getting reported and fixed.


    but there should be a easy backup/fallback solution if the last nightly doesn't play well.

    I know I could

    - run a additional LE e.g. LE Release on a usb stick

    - download nightly twice and keep the elder one

    - ...


    December 25, 2021 at 1:05 PM

    until today I was the opinion that a LE backup saves me against all risks.

    I've learned: no, not all !

  • Our entire build GitHub/Jenkins CI stuff needs to be rebuilt/redeployed .. and when that happens we will provision larger storage capacity for nightly and test images so files are available for a lot longer.

  • I ran into a similar situation a while ago and since then I DL nightly images to ~/backup/ and copy it to ~/.update/ to apply a new nightly.

    IOW, I keep several old nightly builds which I 'know' are good around. Backing that/those up to another drive/PC would also be a good idea in case the storage medium in my kodi device gives problems.

    You can do that (too) until more nightly builds are kept, but even after that it may be useful to keep your own known-good copies around.

  • diederik

    I wonder how do you do this:

    do you do the download on the LE box only (no 2cd box involved) ?

    how do you get the correct download link for the new nightly ?

    does a web-browser sorta Lynx as an addon or so exists (currently can't find one) ?

    with system tools installed:

    it would be sufficing if an

    wget https://test.libreelec.tv/LibreELEC-Gene…4-11.0-nightly-*.tar

    would work ... (as long as only one nightly is in that directory)

    alas not

    +++ EDIT +++

    wrote a small script (maybe needs some improvements...?!)

    I guess it's mostly self declaring

    - "&&" := short hand "if-then"

    - fetch the new nightly *name* from the server

    - check if the server's nightly is already running on the box

    if not:

    - download the last nightly from the server into ~/.update/

    - backup a copy to ~/backup/

    be aware: no warranty by me !!!

    be aware: the script fills up ~/backup

    Edited 5 times, last by GDPR-7 (January 8, 2022 at 1:30 PM).

  • I wonder how do you do this:

    do you do the download on the LE box only (no 2cd box involved) ?

    how do you get the correct download link for the new nightly ?

    I go to https://test.libreelec.tv/ and filter the list for 'rock64', right-click on the one entry that's still left and do 'Copy Link', then I switch to a terminal (tab) connected to my kodi device via SSH, change to ~/backup and do 'wget <paste-previously-copied-link>'.

    IOW all manual and from a 'normal' PC.

  • yup, quiet clear, did it the same, but the main background of my question was "how to do it *without* a second box.

    anyway the above script works for me.

    if you want, you could use the script after adjustments, as you're anyhow ssh intoyour LE.

    if you got questions, just ask !

    to prepare the script for your rock54 box adjustments are needed:

    line 3 to:



    line 14 to:

    [ -e releases.json ] && NEW_NIGHTLY=$(grep -i ${NIGHTLY} releases.json | grep .gz | cut -d: -f2| sed -e 's/"//g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,//g');

    alas I'm able to test it here only partly, means: a download starts

    but I can't test line 22, where the last rock64 nightly is already installed and I therefore want to prevent the unnecessary download.

    I would need a rock64 box (or at least the out of "cat /etc/issue"), but I don't own one !


    questions to the developer/maintainer:

    compared to generic, why do only *.gz exists for of "LibreELEC-RK3399.arm-11.0-nightly"

    Edited 4 times, last by GDPR-7 (January 5, 2022 at 7:21 PM).