TVHeadend client doesn't play ARD on new Transponder with AAC encoded Signal

  • Hi,

    I use a RPi3B+ with LibreElec 9.2.8. Since yesterday, the old transponder on ASTRA satelite for different ARD radio channels is disabled. It just plays the hint, that I have to use the new transponder, which uses AAC encoded streams. So I started reconfiguring my external TVHeadend to provide the streams from the new Transponder. Unfortunately I can't get working. I was looking for an additional audio decoder, but doesn't found one providing AAC. So I suppose it is included in the standard ffmpeg decoder. Right?

    Does anybody have an idea, what I could looking for?


    Edited once, last by sindbad6 (December 15, 2021 at 1:24 PM).

  • sindbad6,

    care to provide a name of an ARD radio channel ?

    then I could test, but I'm running nightly on x86

    - edit -

    tested radioeins (AAC) and rrbkultur (AAC)

    all running

    TVH setup was made weeks ago and ALT_* were sorted out

    weren't they not all AAC before too ?

    Edited 2 times, last by GDPR-7 (December 15, 2021 at 10:28 PM).

  • Hi Joe,

    I configured hr1 on 11494H as well on 10891.25H.

    The longer I think of it, maybe I did something wrong on tvheadend server side. It's long time ago, I worked on it last time. Do I have to activate the change. I can't remember unfortunately.