LibreElec 10.0.1 with IR-Remote

  • Users,

    can i use the same configuration from LibreELEC (official): 9.2.4 (Generic.x86_64) for LibreElec 10.0.1?

    My DVB-S2 Card with ir Dongle: TeVii-S464-DVB-S2-PCI

    My Remote:

    Windows Media Center Remote RC6 ir SMK - RC-MCE-50GB


    Backup 01:

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    Backup 02:

    debian Pastezone

    Script autostart

    #! /bin/sh
    ( sleep 5;
    ir-keytable -s rc0 -c -p RC-6 -w /storage/.config/my_remote

    ir remote rc6 ir-remote keytable

    Edited 17 times, last by liberi (December 4, 2021 at 2:54 PM).

  • I would say you can still use the same mapping files as before despite there's a new .toml format now (see the /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/ folder).

    Currently there's a backward compatibility supported in drivers so it should work if you have the ir-keytable configured properly (the better folder for customized mapping files should be /storage/.config/rc_keymaps ).

  • Legacy:




    #! /bin/sh
    ( sleep 5;
    ir-keytable -s rc0 -c -p RC-6 -w /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk
    chmod +x /storage/.config/

    Every start all my configs remove. How can i solved the problem?

    Where can i find a ir remote tutorial for LibreELEC 10.0.1?

    LibreELEC /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps

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    I want use the new .toml file.

    Edited 13 times, last by liberi (November 30, 2021 at 1:16 PM).

  • Why LibreELEC 7.0.3 supports more protocols?

     LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable
    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event10) with:
            Driver cx88xx, table rc-tevii-nec
            Supported protocols: other lirc rc-5 jvc sony nec sanyo mce-kbd rc-6 sharp xmp 
            Enabled protocols: lirc rc-6 
            Name: cx88 IR (TeVii S464 DVB-S/S2)
            bus: 1, vendor/product: d464:9022, version: 0x0001
            Repeat delay = 1000 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    LibreELEC 10.0.1

    LibreELEC 10.0.1 doesn't support protocol rc-6?

    April 2, 2021 at 10:33 AM

    First success:

    LibreELEC 10.0.1 pre defined keymaps

    ls -la /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/

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    cat /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce.toml

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    ir-keytable -c -w /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce.toml

    Custom systemintegration:

    My custom rc6_mce_smk


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    My new created rc_maps.cfg


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    I don't get Custom IR-Remote support, can you please help me?

    August 16, 2021 at 12:20 AM



     ir-keytable -c -w /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml
    /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml: error: line 6: missing =
    ir-keytable: Failed to read table file /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml
    Try `ir-keytable --help' or `ir-keytable --usage' for more information.
    November 28, 2021 at 4:10 PM

    How can i convert my rc6_mce_smk from LibreELEC 9.2.4 to a working rc6_mce_smk.toml with LibreELEC 10.0.1 ?

    with hand

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    Check test

    ir-keytable -c -w /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml
    Read rc6_mce table
    /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml: keycode `KEY_PLAY2' not recognised, no mapping for scancode 0x04800f0416
    /storage/.config/rc_keymaps/rc6_mce_smk.toml: keycode `KEY_LEFT2' not recognised, no mapping for scancode 0x04800f7420
    Old keytable cleared
    Wrote 126 keycode(s) to driver
    Protocols changed to rc-6 

    Edited 34 times, last by liberi: Merged a post created by liberi into this post. (December 1, 2021 at 7:10 AM).

  • Please provide a full debug log.

    How to post a log (wiki)

    1. Enable debugging in Settings>System Settings>Logging
    2. Restart Kodi
    3. Replicate the problem
    4. Generate a log URL (do not post/upload logs to the forum)

    use "Settings > LibreELEC > System > Paste system logs" or run "pastekodi" over SSH, then post the URL link
  • Hello, i can use my ir Remote.

    But i will more function, the same as by LibreELEC 7.0.3.

    See this Thread:

    LibreELEC (official) Version: 7.0.3 - template keymaps for LibreELEC 10.0.1

    Template from Ubuntu 20.04 (sudo apt install ir-keytable, short)

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    Edited 4 times, last by liberi (December 2, 2021 at 11:01 AM).

    • Please only provide requested documents to keep the thread easy to read.
    • Provide a list of missing functions. Trigger at least one of those missing functions for a kodi.log. It's needed to help you.
    • Do you still use the same IR dongle / remote control, as you did on LE 7.0.3?
  • Hello User,



    i don't have any ir problem.

    My way:

    SSH into your LibreELEC device and navigate to the (hidden) update folder
    cd /storage/.update
    Check to make sure there are no files in the folder
    ls -la
    Download the update file (change the URL for the current release, etc.)
    Once the download has completed, reboot to start the update process

    Thank's the developer
