Don't install LE10.0.0 on RPI4 -> No Jack audio on RPI4+LE10.0.0

  • Hello,

    Today I updated through SSH and the .update folder my 2 RPI4 on LE9.2 to LE10

    I have 2 distinct RPI4, one with audio through HDMI and another with audio through jack, both were on LE9.2

    Audio worked fine with LE9.2 through both audio outputs

    When I tested the first RPI on LE10, I was satisfied with most of the features I was using (except the AMAZON VOD and NETFLIX addons that don't work with LE10 anymore, but that's another story...)

    So I upgraded the second RPI to LE10...

    Now I have to downgrade to LE9.2 (if I can...) because the LE10 doesn't show Analog audio option in the settings anymore, it accepts sending audio through HDMI only, in fact it shows raw and dirty stuff you see when you run the "aplay -l" command through SSH (exemple: 'vc4hdmi0 [vc4-hdmi-0]') instead of the clean and understandable "Analog audio" or "HDMI audio"

    If you think I missed a step during the upgrade, feel free to notify me, I followed this wiki:

    and used this release:


    PS: I tried to go back to the first upgraded RPI4 that runs audio through HDMI and tried to get audio through Jack, no audio as well.

    The behavior is the same with both RPI4

    Second RPI4 is now f*cked, I have to reinstall LE9.2 all over...

    Edited once, last by rip4 (October 12, 2021 at 12:53 AM).

  • Thank you for your reply

    To give the complete solution to LE10 users with the same issue:

    1. Activate SSH through the Kodi menu and connect to it

    2. Run in command line: mount -o remount,rw /flash

    3. Open the config.txt file with nano: nano /flash/config.txt

    4. Add the following config to the file: dtparam=audio=on

    5. Optionnaly, add this config to improve sound quality (I havent tested it yet): audio_pwm_mode=1 or audio_pwm_mode=2

    This configuration should have been included in the build by default, therefore, I suggest to new LE/Kodi users to avoid this build:

    (2021.08) LibreELEC 10.0 Kodi 19.1 Linux Kernel 5.10.x

    EDIT: Feedback on option audio_pwm_mode

    set it to 1 on RPI4 and you'll most probably have a loud white noise coming out of speakers connected on the analog port, very irritating

    set it to 2 and the noise will disapear, audio seems to be OK for now, I didn't try to run many movies or shows on it yet

    Edited 2 times, last by rip4: Feedback on option audio_pwm_mode (October 13, 2021 at 12:40 AM).