Migrated to 10.0.0, but it doesn't recognize my old userdata

  • I'm working off of these instructions:


    I would stop Kodi, move /storage/.kodi to /storage/.kodi-old, download the LE10 image file to /storage/.update/ and then reboot. It will upgrade to an empty Kodi install which sidesteps 99% the issues with outdated Py2 add-ons. Then stop Kodi, and move /storage/.kodi-old/userdata to /storage/.kodi/userdata and restart again. DB files should now auto-upgrade and you have all the existing settings etc. for add-ons (once you reinstall them) and thumb caches. Kodi settings may need to be tweaked if stuff changed. Always take a backup and move it off-box first so if something does go tits-up you can always reinstall LE-old and recover.

    Everything went well, until I moved the userdata over and restarted. When I restart, none of my movies data or anything seems to be in there - I'm guessing the DB update part is not happenning.

    Does anyone know what I need to do to get my settings and data migrated over properly?

    I have /storage/.kodi all backed up so I can restore it if necessary.


  • OK, I think figured it out - posting here in case anyone else needs help.

    1. Stopped Kodi, and \backed up my settings

    2. Updated Kodi

    3. Rebooted

    4. Stopped Kodi, copied over the backed up settings, restarted Kodi

    This didn't work because the first time you run 10.0.0 it asks you some settings questions before it'll let you do anything. I answered these questions after Step 4 and it blew out my saved settings.

    So I repeated Step 4 and now I'm all good.