(Raspi4 8 gig) Libreelec Stable not booting, while the beta does boot.

  • So I recently got a new raspi4 (model B), and I want to switch my media center from my pi 3 (Model B) to it. so I download the stable image, flash it to the sd card, pop it in, and it shows the raspi4 splashscreen, then my tv goes to no signal. when i download the raspi4 unstable image and flash it, it boots perfectly. I really want the stable, because most of my old settings and addons only work with kodi 18. same thing happens with the official libreelec imager. Any help is welcome.


    Edit: on raspi4 model b

    Edited once, last by DanMan12 (June 4, 2021 at 6:02 PM).

  • I have done the same thing just a bunch of days ago, new R4b 8gb and no problems with the stable branch...

    I used the LE SD downloader and the Image for Pi4 on a Scandisk 16gb SD

    Since my post is moderated and as a sidenote to the people developing the LE SD downloader: I love that its a non installed stand alone portable executable. Awesome decision! And I love how easy you made it for users to set up, its even better than Windows. Would you consider adding other distros too? Your tool would become the no 1 RPi flashing tool in no time since its so pain free. That in itself would be a good advertisement for LE as I had no hassles setting up my Kodi at all. Compared to my last Kodi setup experience this is so much different. Would I had known this I would have fixed my annoying Pi2b with the first version of Pi 4 long time ago. But don't touch a runing system is especially true when that system is a PITA to set up. The LE project really has done major improvements to user friendliness and performance for Kodi. Awesome, really.

    cheers Manne