No CA module in tvheadend

  • Hello dear libreelec community

    I have a working tvheadend setup on ubuntu 18.04 using a "CT2-4650 CI" with decryption card.

    Now I wanted to move the tvheadend setup to my raspberry pi running libreelec 9.2.6. So I copied the config folder and plugged the "CT2-4650 CI" into the raspberry.
    But the ca-module is now missing under DVB-Inputs->TV adapters. It used to be there on my ubuntu machine. The "CAs" section is empty on both setups.

    /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 exists and I get the following via journalctl:

    dvb_ca_en50221: dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully

    This is probably related to

    February 4, 2019 at 5:11 PM

    but as nightly builds fixed the problem in 2019 I assumed this fix made it into main until now.

    I tried all available versions (I think 4) of the tvheadend service. To no avail.

    I assume due to the missing CA module decryptions fails and when trying to watch live tv this shows up un journalctl:

    May 24 11:47:29 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: mpegts: 514MHz in dvbt2-network - tuning on Silicon Labs Si2168 #0 : DVB-T #0
    May 24 11:47:29 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: subscription: 0004: " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" subscribing on channel "ORF1 HD", waight: 150, adapter: "Silicon Labs Si2168 #0 : DVB-T #0", network: "dvbt2-network", mux: "514MHz", provider: "ORF", service: "ORF1 HD", profile="htsp", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center"
    May 24 11:47:31 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: linuxdvb: Silicon Labs Si2168 #0 : DVB-T #0 - poll TIMEOUT
    May 24 11:47:35 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: subscription: 0004: service instance is bad, reason: No input detected
    May 24 11:47:37 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: subscription: 0004: No input source available for subscription " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" to channel "ORF1 HD"
    May 24 11:47:39 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: subscription: 0004: No input source available for subscription " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" to channel "ORF1 HD"
    May 24 11:47:40 wohnzimmer tvheadend[477]: subscription: 0004: " [  | Kodi Media Center ]" unsubscribing from "ORF1 HD", hostname="", username="", client="Kodi Media Center"
  • it is very likely due that ffmpegx: disable nonfree - Tvh and ffmpeg-tools update by CvH · Pull Request #3164 · LibreELEC/ · GitHub

    we can't revert that at the moment (there are future changes at OpenSSL that would allow us to use it again), the licence prohibit to share binaries that are build in that combination

    you can build Tvheadend with that line changed and it should work, but you better do not share the file

  • Thank you very much for your quick reply.

    I reverted the commit and built the addon. (wow, that LibreELEC built system is sophisticated!) Yet dvben50221 has not been enabled.
    running strings on the binary now shows this:

       --host=armv7ve-libreelec-linux-gnueabi --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/bin --sbindir=/usr/sbin --sysconfdir=/etc --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib --localstatedir=/var --disable-static --enable-shared --prefix=/usr --arch=arm --cpu=cortex-a7 --cc=/home/docker/build.LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel/toolchain/bin/armv7ve-libreelec-linux-gnueabi-gcc --disable-ffmpeg_static --disable-libfdkaac_static --disable-libopus_static --disable-libtheora --disable-libtheora_static --disable-libvorbis_static --disable-libvpx_static --disable-libx264_static --disable-libx265_static --enable-libav --enable-libfdkaac --enable-libopus --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --disable-libvpx --disable-libx265 --enable-avahi --enable-bundle --disable-dbus_1 --enable-dvbcsa --enable-dvben50221 --disable-dvbscan --enable-hdhomerun_client --disable-hdhomerun_static --enable-epoll --enable-inotify --enable-pngquant --disable-libmfx_static --disable-nvenc --disable-uriparser --enable-tvhcsa --enable-trace --nowerror --disable-bintray_cache --python=/home/docker/build.LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel/toolchain/bin/python
       dvben50221                                                       no

    So I do have a --enable-dvben50221 yet in the summary of Options I see
    dvben50221 no

    Any ideas?

    here the complete Options section:

  • The test compilation fails because it can not find the header.... investigating...

      checking for cc libdvben50221 ...                 /tmp/2073665.c:2:12: fatal error: libdvben50221/en50221_session.h: No such file or directory
       #include <libdvben50221/en50221_session.h>
  • So I added include and link paths and disabled the compilation check (seems like adjusted paths were not forwarded)... and it compiled with en50221. My hacked patch is well hidden at the end of this posting.

    I also have a ca0 module as before.

    But only some channels are watchable. Seems like it is limited to SD content.

    others show this:

    The same tuner with the same antenna works fine for all channels on my ubuntu 18.04 tvheadend setup.

    terrible hack that let me compile en50221. Additionally to reverting 63924bab4bda731fee30f95e5eac96ea96340221

  • I installed raspbian but the cam module didn't work there either. So either it is Raspberry-hardware-related (shieldings and stuff) or it is related to the newer tvheadend version. idk... Maybe I'll try to get a small-form-factor low-power x64 machine to do that. Any suggestions?

  • linuxserver/tvheadend docker container

    Build for arch: x86_64

    Build: 4.3-1966~g04853f0da (2021-06-09T05:05:38+0200)