[ LE 9.2.6|RPi3B ] h264 1080p@60 Youtube video refresh rate changes then becomes slide show using mmal

  • Playing certain [email protected] Youtube will cause Kodi to blank my monitor for a second (supposedly to change the refresh rate) and then become a slide show with one frame every 2-3 seconds being rendered but audio remains unaffected. Using OMXPlayer, video playback is smooth but A/V sync slowly degrades. Turning off mmal causes the same flash but results in way less dropped frames but higher CPU usage because of the software decoding. I have very few addons installed besides YouTube, Inputstream Adaptive, and their dependants for this test. For me this issue seems to only be affecting mpeg-dash h264 1080p 60.00fps. I'm not sure where the problem lies but I'm posting on LibreElec in the hopes that someone has faced a similar problem and found a solution. Any help is appreciated.

    Video in question, consistently does this 1-2 seconds into it on my RPi3B (LE 9.2.6) @ 1080p/60: When Marge is Suss (Gartic Phone | Episode 3) - YouTube

    Complete debug log file: hastebin

    EDIT: Only whitelisting 1080p/60 in System/Video seems to avoid it erroneously changing the refresh rate and the video playback remains consistent. Not sure what is causing it to report an incorrect frame rate but it seems to work.

    Edited 2 times, last by the_third_pi: add solution (May 17, 2021 at 12:41 PM).