Accessing dtv-scan-table

  • Two questions

    1. Is there any way to create a folder in /usr ie, /usr/share/dvb manually in v10 without a full build of LibreElec?

    2. As an enhancement can the dtv scanning table be created as a standalone package or included in dvb-tools rather then included in the PVR server program? It seems odd to link it to a backend.



    Edited once, last by emveepee (April 15, 2021 at 2:21 AM).

  • No I use NextPVR (and I am the prime contributor to pvr.nextpvr) which is why I felt that the table should not be linked to the backend. I wrote these steps CoreElec and LibreElec as native host for NextPVR which work for the most part with HDHR and IPTV devices but right now the dtv-scanning-table is hardcoded to the standard location. I have asked the NextPVR author to look into changing that but was hoping something was possible in the mean time.

    Docker is also possible, but users may have difficulty with mapping /dev devices and on memory constrained systems Docker might be overkill.

    I do suggest that linking /usr/share to /storage/usr/share (or something similar) would provide a general flexible solution, not just for PVR. Then it is just a matter of downloading the crazycat69 or tvheadend zipfiles


    Edited 2 times, last by emveepee (April 15, 2021 at 5:07 PM).

  • ugly workaround would be to bind mount the location to somewhere

    mount --bind /whatever /etc/something

    currently we patching the path while building Tvheadend

    sadly the whole dtv scanning table situation is clusterfuck, the upstream is not really upstream because 99% of the users (inlc me) cant fix there anything and the downstreams (tvh + crazycat) are at whole different states

    btw I am interested in adding nextpvr as LE addon, I would shaemless ping you if I have something if you like ?

  • Fortunately here in North America we just need fixed channels 2-36 for Digital ATSC but in supporting NextPVR i certainly see the mess in DVB world, and it varies greatly by distro too.

    I haven't heard back from sub (the author) but I have been able to hack the binary, which is not open source and substitute /storage/usdvb for /usr/share/dvb and unzip a dtv-scanning folder there. Scanning was then possible and I can play LiveTV in Kodi and watch externally via ffplay so I know digital playback is possible on the RPi4 class. For my purposes that is probably good enough so I don't need to try that mount command. I probably would have just re-squashed SYSTEM and added it there if I knew the command line.

    I would be grateful if you could package it is as addon I and would be more than willing to provide feedback and help testing on many platforms (wishing for an H2+ though). On some platforms Direct play in Kodi etc will be ok, but the biggest challenge is the ffmpeg requirement for creating HLS file for streaming to a web browser. There will be need to be custom patches for various platform. For devices that can't transcode h264 fast enough, I couldn't get 1x on the RPi4 with h264_v4l2m2m, it will only be able to remux IPTV. Feel free to open a conversation on this when you have time. I can share the hacked module with you if it will help.
