Hi All,
I have bought a Raspberry Pi 3B+ as a drop-in replacement for my Pi 3B to solve issues with 2.4GHz WiFi I have been experiencing. I was hoping I could just swap over the SD card and all would be well. However this has not been the case.
LibreELEC seems to boot fine, but hangs on the Kodi splash screen. I have pulled the SD card and from the kodi.log file extracted the following:
2019-04-11 17:29:28.783 T:1807721344 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyMusic72 [2005](Unknown MySQL server host 'focal-playground.lan' (-3))
This gets repeated roughly every 33 seconds (edited to maintain peace )
I host my kodi database on a separate MariaDB server. Figuring it was some issue with it being unable to connect to the network, I made a backup of and removed the /storage/connman folder. However that didn't resolve the issue. It is running LibreELEC 9.2.6.
I have tried with <loglevel>2</loglevel> in advancedsettings.xml but nothing extra that seems relevant gets logged.
Where do I go from here? Can I not just 'move over' the SD card from a Pi 3B to a 3B+?