Raspberry PI 4 plus which USB SAT tuner?

  • I read the thread where chewitt recommended the Raspberry PI 4 as hardware.

    To make it usable for live TV (SAT) as well, I think I will need an additional USB SAT tuner.

    Is the Hauppauge Win TV Nova S2 stick recommended (Hauppauge DE | WinTV-NOVA-S2)?

    The stick seems to bring a IR remote control with it. Is it usable as well?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Edited once, last by kaibenn (March 11, 2021 at 9:25 PM).

  • I use a TurboSight (TBS) 5580 - Its a DVB-S/T/C USB tuner. After initial purchase, TBS own forum provided kernel module and driver build instructions in their own forum for PI4, but things went quiet and I haven't checked forum updates for a while. The tuner works in LibreElec using TBS CrazyCat modules, but building driver and modules for other linux distro's on PI4 has become difficult since TBS forum silence on modules and drivers for latest PI4 kernel.

    From what I understand Hauppauge have included their drivers and modules into the MAIN LINUX kernel and should work plug and play, I may be wrong.

    Serious research using this forum and LinuxTV.org - Television with Linux is all I can suggest before you make a purchase.

  • TBS devices suffer proper kernel drivers for ages so expect to compile you own drivers for a long time.

    So if you search "just works" choose the WinTV one.

    The often recommend Dvbsky S960 was rereleased with different hardware under the same name, I am not sure they work at linux yet.