I have written a python script that turns on my network enabled Receiver, when it is in standby mode (power on) and switches on the HDMI input of the AVR, which is connected to the HDMI interface of my RasberryPi as input source.
The file "autostart.sh" and the Python script "setAVR.py" I put both via ssh into the directory "/.config.
The autostart.sh file looks like this:
Since the LibreELEC computer can only be pinged by a computer in the LAN after about 20sec.
from a computer in the LAN, I assume that a script on the LibreELEC computer
on the LibreELEC computer can only access the AVR after this time.
If I log in to the RasPi via ssh, change to the directory /storage/.config
and enter ./autostart.sh the script does exactly what it should:
LibreELECKino:~/.config # ./autostart.sh
LibreELECKino:~/.config # execution of the "setAVR.py" script
However, when I run boot the RasPi autostart.sh, it does not seem to execute.
What could be the reason for this?