Restoring LibreELEC config add on and any other problems migrating from OpenELEC

  • I changed R.Pis (a 3 up from a B+) and so I thought I'd try LE. I wanted to keep all my stuff from when I had OE, so I just moved the USB HDD to the new system, which I've been using for my /storage directory. Right now, the only problem I can see is that there was some addon like "LibreELEC configuration" or something. How can I get that back?
    And any other problems connected to migrating from OE that anyone can warn me about would be appreciated.

  • "/storage" in LibreELEC is the Home folder, where all of the user configuration goes, I don't know how to make LibreELEC look for it on the USB drive. The rest of "/" is Read Only. If you need to edit config.txt or cmdline.txt you have to make "/flash" Read Write with

    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    then when done editing

    mount -o remount,ro /flash


    Edited once, last by donbrew (November 11, 2016 at 1:41 PM).