Graphic Driver Issue

  • Hello there!

    I'm new with LibreELEC, I was using Kodibuntu till know but I decided to move a new more updated distro so I choose this one, the installation goes ok, it's really easy but I'm having problems to get HW decoding working properly, I guess that is a graphic card driver issue.

    First of all I'm using and old graphic chipset, the AMD780G and the Radeon HD3200 graphic adapter here (I know pretty old but still working :) ) , it was perfectly working with VDPAU decoding but no longer working, looking through log I have seen something suspect "VDPAU::Open: required extension GL_NV_vdpau_interop not found" thats makes me wonder about graphic driver, I know nothing about this distro so I don't know how to install anything (not yum or sudo here :( ). Also audio passtrough is not working and I don't know why the sound is playing on stereo instead of its original format....

    Any idea on how to get the graphic adapter working (installing somethig maybe)?

    Below the piece of log, maybe it means something for you (I hope so)

  • Any idea on how to get the graphic adapter working (installing somethig maybe)?

    "installing something" will not be possible due to the nature of LibreELEC. There is no package manager and no sudo, all necessary components are compiled into one big blob.

    The 780G/3200HD cpu/gpu chipsets can be considered prehistoric by now (I've had one myself). LibreELEC is not planning to support all types of hardware for many years to come. You could try install a "proper" Linux OS as Ubuntu and install Kodi, and see how far graphics and audio support will get you then.

    Alternatively, look at a Raspberry Pi like setup. It will get you the latest graphics options at a tiny fraction of the electricity bill (your AMD solution probably draws some 60-80 watts/hr.., an RPi will do only 2-5 watts/hr), as well as total silence. Or, a new/recent Intel board. Gemini Lake generation or newer (also passively cooled), can do wonders for you.