LibreElec is very unstable in regards to GPIO remote

  • My LibreElec 7.0.2 Rasperry Pi 3 sometimes dont respond to my GPIO remote. I checked to see if IRW showed any input and it didnt.

    The remote starts working again after 1-10 min. by itself, without any actions on my part.

    I have checked the log, but I cant see anything that would explain this behavior.

    I think that it is related to starting playback.

    Since I have seen no update to 7.0.2 I assume the LibreElec folks sees 7.0.2 as stable and therefor I should expect no updates to 7.0.2. Am I correct in this asumption?

    Can anybody recommend a previous version of LibreElec/OpenElec that is stable in this regard (and if it didnt have the problem with thumbnails turning black when scolling throw the library with playback in the background, it wouldnt hurt), or should I look for another distro? - stability is the main concern..

    systemctl status | pastebinit

    dmesg | pastebinit