I am trying to build mpd with icu support
meson file contains restriction
icu_dep = dependency('icu-i18n', version: '>= 50', required: get_option('icu'))
conf.set('HAVE_ICU', icu_dep.found())
I have tried to add icu-18n to package.mk
PKG_DEPENDS_TARGET="toolchain alsa-lib avahi boоst curl faad2 ffmpeg flac glib lame libcdio libiconv libid3tag \
libmad libmpdclient libsamplerate libvorbis libnfs libogg mpd-mpc opus pulseaudio samba yajl libgcrypt icu-18n"
but got an exception
Exception: Invalid package reference: dependency icu-18n in package mympd::PKG_DEPENDS_TARGET is not valid
Please advice how to add this dependency