Kodi. Estuary skin. Change font color

  • I've been using LibreELEC on a RPi4, hooked unto an OLED TV. I'm a little concerned about burn-in from all the white text in the Kodi(Estuary) UI, such as the time in the upper-right corner of the screen. After trawling the interface/skin options, I couldn't find any way to change the font color or to disable the time from being displayed.

    Ideally, I'd like to set the color of all text displayed to black(including subtitles). Can anyone tell me ho I can go about doing this? (I'm fairly proficient with ssh, html/xml, etc)

    I've followed the instructions in this thread (How do I make a system file retain a modification?), but I don't know which file(s) to modify. (The latter posts mention the method in the thread no longer work).


    Edited once, last by hawkeye_a (January 24, 2021 at 2:06 AM).

  • Just change the screensaver to "Black" then the GUI is only visible when you're actually navigating the GUI which is an overall small(er) percentage of total on-screen time (movies and TV will be visible for a lot longer). If you're in high paranoia mode .. reduce the wait time from 3 mins. I have mine set to 2 mins. I found 1 mins got a little annoying..