flash an old 8726 MX box tv with sdcard and USB-SD creator on Mac OS

  • Hi,

    I found the solution to use an old android box with amlogic 8726 to instal Libeelect fot KODI use.

    I download the USB-SD creator app for mac. I showed generic AMD/INTEL and LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6.img

    I inserted an SDcard and

    I download the file LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6.img

    then i write this image on the sdcard with the app.

    I can see in the sdcard on the mac :












    OK i veryfied with utility disk on my mac and saw the sdcard with

    Volume physique externe USB • MS-DOS (FAT16) /Volumes/LIBREELEC 1/ disk3s1

    capacity 536,9 Mo used 261,4 Mo

    I put the sdcard in the sd port of the box

    I reset and start boton so i had on the screen the A2 logo then recovery window. Nothing more. If i select update with EXT there is nothing in the sdcard to start an update.

    Something wrong but i don't know why. If anybody can help me to ressucite this box to a simple media player, it would be aweful.


  • OK i did with WeTek play and LibreELEC-WeTek_Play.arm-9.0.2.img.gz on an SDcard







    But no work. Can i use a factory_update_param.aml script ?

  • LE no longer supports Amlogic 8726MX (Meson6) hardware and even when we did, our support was limited to one specific device. So if booting from the WP1 SD card image didn't work there are no further options to explore with us. There is almost zero modern kernel support for this generation of Amlogic hardware and nobody anywhere working to change that (some efforts at the next generation, Meson8, but not Meson6 = 8276MX).

  • Hey Chewitt, no chance to get my trusty Wetek play1 back on a supported version ?

    It has some issues already but for it's rest of the live I was hoping i could get it updated to latest.

    Would be a shame if i just have to dump it.

  • Hey Chewitt, no chance to get my trusty Wetek play1 back on a supported version ?

    Nope. It's a struggle to get people to work on mainline Linux support for the latest Amlogic chips, let alone a chip from 2014 that was slow at the time it was released. There is nobody doing any work on mainline Linux Meson 6 support, so this unlikely to change, so LE 9.0 is (and will remain) the last release for 8726MX devices like WP1.

  • Chewitt, Thanks for getting back to me ! Fair enough ! I'll go x86-64 again then and retire the Wetek as a backup as is.

    If it wasn't such a pain to get a quick and good cable Multi tuner for TVheadend. Especially for something like a Nuc platform that fits behind the TV. I am looking for something m.2 or minipcie formfactor but multi tuner. USB dongles are unfortunatelyless reliable in my experience.

    I also thought spend some extra money and get a Digital Devices Octopus M4 but i am not sure how well that works with TVheadend...

    Any tip anyone ?