I am building a new HTPC and looking at Linux based distros to run Kodi from.
Here are my questions:
1.) Does LibreELEC use PulseAudio? I typically have to remove this to get audio passthrough working in Ubuntu. e.g. send everything to my receiver to process
2.) Does it have the ability to properly turn off external USB 3 drive enclosures full of HDs? I typically have to create a custom script for this - mount the drives on boot and then this solves it on shutdown.
3.) Do I have an alternate GUI to work from if not running Kodi? e.g. to work on video files, update Video drivers, etc...
4.) Is there any improvement to Wake On LAN provided over Ubuntu? I normally have to configure NIC settings from command line to get it to work.
Thanks for any guidance. Still waiting on parts for my new system but am excited to start installing once it arrives.
Spent the last year building a home theater that has 9.2.4 (9 surrounds, 2 subs, and four ceiling speakers).
For now I am using a 65" OLED but will be upgrading once they start coming out with HDMI 2.1 projectors.
Primary sources I use:
Netflix addon
Prime addon
Have my own collection of BlueRay/4k Blueray discs that I extract to MKV format and keep the originals in a box to use.
Have my own collection of Music as well.