Fresh reinstall

  • I haven't Updated for quite some time since 8.2.5

    I tried to update and said there wasn't enough free space.

    I ended up breaking something and it stopped booting so downloaded the latest version for the PI2 and copied my config and cmdline from old setup (used USB) to the new updated version. and it wouldn't boot.

    reformatted again with standard files and it worked.

    I lost all my mysql setup for synced watched data and whatever else I had on the USB. ( fixed watched data)

    I guess a few questions

    1. Can I use a USB Stick with it? (I seem to break it when I try and get it going)
    2. Should I? (I think I used to use one so less chance of corruption)

    3. How (without it not wanting to boot like its doing atm) and be able to copy what's setup on the SD Card.

    4. I'm using apple tv skin and for the life of me I cant seem to get my HDHR app into the submenu under addons on hte home page like I previously had. any tips?

  • It would be nice to know which partition is out of free space.

    If you can SSH into Kodi's backdoor, try executing this command: df -h | paste

    Share the URL of that command here.

    I reformatted over the partition with the new version image so unable to. its a 16gb micro SD Card so I wouldn't have thought it would be out of space.

    this was happening when I tried to update through kodi.

  • A new install will create first a system partition of 512 MB as well as a data/storage partition of a small size (not sure how big). During the first boot, that storage partition will be resized to the full remainder of the SDcard, then LibreELEC will reboot again.

    Whatever it is/was that said "not enough space", it usually isn't the data partition.