Symlinking USB drives to /media

  • On LE, the /media folder is limited in size to 7.7Gib only

    I have four 2TB ext4 connected to my LE server and a few months back I managed to overcome this limitation by creating symlinks to each of the USB's in the /media folder

    But I foolishly didn't write down the exact ln -s command and when I plug in a new 1Tb USB drive it's limited to 7.7Gb

    In other words, LE mounts the USB drive into /media but its size is limited to 7.7Gib

    Other USB drives correctly open my "old" symlinks as full size 1.8Tb directrories.

    Could someone please help me with the right code syntax?

    I try

    $ ln -s /dev/sdf1 "/hp-music" and $ lsln -sT /dev/sdf1 "hp-music"

    but it still opens the 7.7GIB directory in /media

  • Problem solved - symlinks don't solve the 7.7GiB problem on LE, ... Buuut

    I'm actually using Krusader in a docker container on LE - and I get transfer rates up to 500Mb/s between my "downloads" folder and across external USB drives. For any file transfers outside LE server (e.g. from LE to my laptop) I use SMB

    All I had to do was to restart Krusader container and the new USB drive magically turned from 7.7Gib to 1Tb !!!

    thanks to this line -v /media:/media:rw \

    Docker Hub

    docker run -d --name=krusader \

    -p 5800:5800 \

    -p 5900:5900 \

    -v /storage/docker/krusader:/config:rw \

    -v /media:/media:rw \

    -v /storage/downloads:/storage/downloads:rw \

    -v /storage/docker:/storage/docker:rw \

    -e UMASK=000 \

    -e USER_ID=0 \

    -e GROUP_ID=0 \


    Browse to http://your-host-ip:5800 to access the Krusader GUI.