[Intel] Nightly build...problem with mce remote

  • Since several nightly builds i'm experiencing mce remote issue

    Remote mce act many times as i press two times same key

    example : i have a key to switch between two audio profile, tv and avr, i press once and insted of to switch to profile avr it switch to avr and after to tv as i press key two times

    example: also navigate in menù it's impossibile cause i can't select the right menu item

    Build :asrock beebox n3150 with hp mce remote

    i can't rever back to older build to investigate when problem start cause on Index of / there aren't old builds

    will try to catch a log via ssh asap

  • i'm tryng to investigate

    but for what i remember nuvoton cir is correct

    edit: installed latest Milhouse build, remote works perfectly

    only difference is in

     Input device: /dev/input/event4

    Edited once, last by Roby77 (January 1, 2021 at 11:55 AM).

  • thank you but seems i have no luck....

    Compared (via ultra compare and winmerge)

    rc_maps.cfg are equals

    rc_keymaps folders in /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps , rc6_mce.toml and libreelec_multi.toml files are equals

  • Thank you, i made also a video of the problem

    Link: Download VID 20210102 014817 mp4

    Example: system menu > using right key

    Milhouse build : OK

    9.80 buld of 30 dec with problem

    LibreELEC:~ # ir-keytable -t -s rc0
    Testing events. Please, press CTRL-C to abort.
    51.863317: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421 toggle=1
    52.663831: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421
    52.806968: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421
    53.858506: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421 toggle=1
    55.456566: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421
    55.599770: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421
    56.367927: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421 toggle=1
    56.511413: lirc protocol(rc6_mce): scancode = 0x800f0421 toggle=1
  • So the scancodes are received OK and there's a wrong mappings / different mapping file used.

    rc_maps.cfg are equals

    rc_keymaps folders in /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps , rc6_mce.toml and libreelec_multi.toml files are equals

    Did you check the override folder (/storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg) as well or just a default folder (/etc/rc_maps.cfg) ???

    I don't know the Milhouse's build but I thought LE 9.80 was the first build using .toml files...

    If there're no overriding files and all the default config / mapping files are really the same, you may try to update the configuration:

    systemctl stop kodi

    systemctl stop eventlircd

    ir-keytable -a /etc/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0 # for default folders

    systemctl start eventlircd

    systemctl start kodi

    Then check the current mappings which should be also the same on both installations:

    ir-keytable -r -s rc0

    or run the irw command and push RC buttons to check online.

  • Thank you will check asap

    I confirm that files are the same because I compared the code inside

    I confirm that also Milhouse build (last on July ) .have toml files

    Please note that I have this problem with 9.80 builds since only about 1 months and If I revert back to Milhouse build problem disappear

    Maybe a new kernel bug or some commit break it ?

    Will check on GitHub if there is a change in the code in the last month

    Thank you again

  • No problem.

    I am also running LE 9.80 (latest nightly from today) but on RPI4 and I am still still using the old custom mapping files (without .toml extension, which are still supported) and everything works fine.

    As soon as you are receiving scan codes, you should be able to create your own mapping file (without .toml) in accordance with wiki and set the proper path to custom mapping file for nuvoton-cir driver in /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg . After any change, you need to update configuration as outlined above (just with the path to /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg instead of default /etc/rc_maps.cfg )

  • Please post the outputs of ir-keytable -t with kodi and eventlircd stopped. Push a button for about half a second, do that both on the milhouse and the latest nightly build.

    so long,


  • thank you, here the code :


    Nightly 9.80