Picture slideshow in Kodi 18.9 is much too slow

  • Bug report

    I am using Kodi 18.9 on a Raspberry Pi3 with LibreELEC.

    I have the standard skin Estuary with standard settings.

    The intervall of the picture slideshow is set to 5 sec.

    'pan and zoom effects' enabled.

    After starting the picture slideshow every picture displays over 40 seconds.

    With an intervall setting of 1 sec, the display time is about 5 seconds.

    That is much too slow.

    My pictures are stored on a hard disk at the USB port.

    When I use the right arrow, the next picture shows immediately.

    Expected Behavior

    It is expected that the slideshow display time match the intervall setting.

    Actual Behavior

    The display time of the picture slideshow is far too long.

    Possible Fix

    When I switch the skin from Estuary to Confluence, the slideshow works almost well.

    It seems to be a problem with different skins.

    To Reproduce

    This problem shows every time while using Estuary.

    It was mentioned several times in several forums in the net, since version 17.


    The debuglog can be found here:


    Standard setting for slideshow was 5sec.

    With Estuary the display time was 41 seconds.

    With Confluence the display time was 10 seconds per image.

    Your Environment

    • Operating system version/name: LibreELEC 9.2.6
    • Kodi version: 18.9 Leia
    • Hardware: Raspberry Pi3

    See also

    Picture slideshow in Kodi 18.9 is much too slow · Issue #18930 · xbmc/xbmc · GitHub

    Edited once, last by pilian (December 15, 2020 at 2:19 PM).